Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More things that I have been saying....

Mommy and I were going into Wal-Mart and she was carrying me because you know- I hurt my elbow and it is somehow connected to the kness. All of a sudden I touched her face and said, "Mommy I love your face today it looks so pretty". She was wearing make-up and doesn't do that a lot in the summer time you know.

I told Mommy that I wanted to change elephant's name back to "pumpkin" and then turn Rudy's name into "Elephant". She thought that was way too funny.

While waiting on Daddy to get home from work I said it sure was taking along time, we must have had a lot of bills to pay!! Mommy and Daddy had me saying "Go work pay bills" when I was 1.5 years old when it was time for Daddy to go to work. Apparently, I reasoned that it was taking awhile for him to get home because he was working lots because of all the bills.

When talking with Mommy in the pool about going to my big boy church school in a few weeks I asked her if there would be another Laney at my school. Mommy said no there is only one special little Laney but I could make new friends and there would be other little girls there and even some mean ole boys for me to play with. I said, "well I really just want Laney". Mommy will miss seeing Laney when she drops me off to school too. But she is going to be living real close and we will still see her.

Mom and I went to the bank and the teller did NOT give me a sucker this time. Mommy and Daddy have warned me about how you don't always get a sucker at the bank. I wonder why it is that every time Rudy is with us he gets a treat at the bank??? They never rip him off. Well when the drawer went back in and no sucker I yelled, "That's it we are definitely getting a new bank- this is two times that I haven't gotten a sucker". I was so loud that Mommy said we probably will have to get a new bank because she's sure they heard me!!!

I'm back into wanting everyone to see what I have left in the potty. And now I'm calling them
"Big ole rip turtles".


Diana said...

Luke, I'll miss you so much this year. I'm so glad that we live even closer to eachother now so we can still get together and play. My Mommy will miss seeing you and your Mommy, too. It just won't be the same.