Sunday, January 20, 2008

A really fun day and another Christmas present

This morning we took Daddy's truck to the doctor and went out for donuts. After we ate we went over to Heaffer and Julie's house so Jilli and I could open presents. Yes, we are a little late with our celebration but it was cool to get something new- trust me. We had a great time playing with our toys. I loved my power ranger and my new movie Underdog. Time was up and we had to go home to take a nap. It wasn't all bad because they told us after my nap we would go to church and meet up will Jilli for Mexican food and PLAYWORLD. Did you hear that? Mommy finally agreed to take me to that nasty place......

I wasn't really good in church, I didn't eat much at Dinner= I was too excited about Playworld. It was Jilli's first time to go there and we had a blast. We played games and went through the Maze. Daddy was the most excited person because he didn't have to stay in the Maze with me since I had a playmate. We got to play along time. Heaffer and Julie had to run an errand so Mommy asked them if Jilli could stay there and play some more with me. They said sure and we even got to bring her back to our house for a few minutes. I love having someone to play with. It was a great day but I'm really tired.